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Covid 19 took the 'oo' out of my zoo!

Page 5

Adrian Cloonan

Credit must be given to staff who remained. Horticulture and works staff achieved much. In the absence of visitors, they could use machinery during daylight hours to move rocks and soil, construct enclosures, renovate vegetation and add more beauty to the surroundings.

At the end of my last tour, I often catch a few minutes to chat to visitors. Cue the story of Joe and Sally from Portland, Oregon, visiting Australia in 2019. Sally was particularly keen on koala knowledge, so we chatted. Then I signed off and we went to the onsite café for a coffee – and chatted. Then I offered to drive them around the local area – while we chatted. We parted, but not before exchanging names and addresses. Fast forward some months later, and my wife and I were in Portland where, over several days, Joe and Sally showed us the sights. Now that is making a real connection. We continue to correspond by email.

Just this week I was approached after a tour by a grandfather and his grandchildren. Granddad said, You obviously enjoy your work, it comes through in your commentary. I thanked him, then turned to answer his grandchildren’s questions about why zebras have stripes? do kangaroos lay eggs? how are babies made? I flicked that one to granddad!

There are few downsides to my work. Friends say, You must like it, to be there for 25 years.  OK, so a cold, wet day in the outdoors isn’t my choice, but hey, those days are few and far between. 

This edition
